Evangelism Resources

Evangelism Resources

Soul Whisperer: Why the Church Must Change the Way It ViewsEvangelism by Gary Comer


What if we changed the face of evangelism?
In a time when so many have a negative perception of evangelism, what if a new model was entirely biblical, loaded with skills, and more effective? Soul Whisperer shifts the emphasis from “telling” to a “drawing” paradigm. It develops biblically the pattern of Jesus, who did not give static presentations but rather customized his words to each hearer. By learning his ways, our words, too, can have pinpointed impact! Christians will discover how to draw out first, in order to read their friends and discern the relevant appeal of the gospel. In this way, the style is far more dynamic. It adapts! Understanding the non-believer’s unique starting point will determine a distinct path. By creating a conversation about spiritual influence and what is involved in faith formation, this book charts ways for Christians to go deeper in evangelistic relationships. Most importantly, Soul Whisperer infuses skills that will shape a more Christ-likened missional disciple.

ReMission: Rethinking How Church Leaders Create Movement by Gary Comer


A systemic disease is lurking inside the church that is derailing it from what God intended it to be, to know, and to do. That disease manifests in practical ignorance and isolation. If the church is to be healthy and thriving, its members must gain the needed know-how and skill sets to meaningfully engage with their increasingly difficult-to-reach unsaved neighbors, communities, and cultures in productive conversations about the good news of Jesus Christ. In other words, there must be a re-missioning of the body of Christ. ReMission practically equips leaders with tried-and-tested solutions that can outwardly mobilize a congregation, small group, or nonprofit ministry, and substantially increase the spiritual vitality of the body of Christ, both locally and globally.

Launch Point: Community Group Mission Guide: Moving Small Groups into Mission by Gary Comer


What if Small Groups Embarked on Mission Together . . .

In Their Own Backyards?

Whereas small groups have traditionally focused internally, many Christians nowadays are hungering for much more! Seeking to make a difference where they live, Christians desire mission. The Community Group Mission Series focuses eight weeks of training–to launch groups in a dynamic mission trajectory!

Each group will engage holistically, showing the love of Christ and making disciples. Relationally angled, this series leads groups to assimilate the mission skill set of Jesus. Hold on! The stories of God are yet to be written. Who knows what God will do in the lives of your neighbors . . . your group . . . and your church?!

Session Titles:

  1. The Soul of Mission
  2. When Faith Is Fantastic
  3. Learning the Faith Formation Process
  4. Getting Real for the Gospel
  5. The Gospel and Its Key
  6. Discerning Belief Barriers
  7. Coming Home to Jesus
  8. What Jesus Co-missioned Us to Do