Journey U Blogs

The Doubt of the Apostle Thomas

The Apostle Thomas earned the nickname “Doubting Thomas” because of his skepticism of Jesus’ resurrection when the other apostles told him they had seen the risen Lord. Thomas stated “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe” (John 20:25 ESV)

Jesus later appeared to Thomas and the encounter he had with Jesus not only affirmed the resurrection to Thomas but led to his profound exclamation of faith: “My Lord and My God!” (John 20:28 ESV).

The Apostle Thomas’ story serves as a reminder to the human struggle we all have with doubt and the importance of encountering and experiencing the truth of Christ firsthand.

When we have these encounters and experiences, it leads us into a deeper level of trust with the Lord.  It does not mean we will not ever experience doubt again, but those experiences and encounters will serve as a reminder of what God has done in our lives and an encouragement to continue to trust God even when the doubt comes. The goal as believers is to get to a place where we can believe without seeing. A true place of trusting in the Lord.

“Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20: 29 ESV)

The Fruit of Doubt

Doubt arises from a number of internal and external factors: Lack of evidence or understanding, negative experiences or disappointments, uncertainty of the future, low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, cultural beliefs, societal norms, and the opinions of others.

This doubt leads to fruit that is seen in: lack of decision-making, persistent sense of uncertainty, hindered personal growth and progress, contribute to anxiety, and impact relationships and life opportunities.

How do we overcome our DOUBT?

1.  RECOGNIZE the DOUBT is there

2. REPENT for coming into agreement with DOUBT

3. LET GO of the hurt and pain by forgiving those who have tempted you to doubt

4. LET GOD help you walk a new way now that you have repented and forgiven

Learn more about how to walk out this journey through our Trace Modeling curriculum at

By Angela Aberle
Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya