Journey U Blogs

Father to the Fatherless

Psalm 68:5-6
The Message
Father of orphans,
champion of widows,
is God in his holy house.
God makes homes for the homeless
leads prisoners to freedom,
but leaves rebels to rot in hell.

The morning comes as the Lord beckons it. A new day begins with the calling of the Lord to our souls. He is our Father.

We can no more start the day without a light being turned on to help us see, than if we stumble with our mind headed toward destruction without pause. The Lord will lead us.

Psalms are meant to be sung with harp and lyre, and some days those are not especially available at our fingertips. Imagine, the Ark being lifted and carried to the procession of singing and praising, while the God of the universe is being carried within the Ark.

As we stumble around in our own pious and righteous ways, The God of the Universe is singing His praises at His creation. Let the celebration begin! He recognizes us as His own, in perpetuity, infinitely, and with all the love of a Father excited to see his daughter or son take their first step, their first bike ride, their first driving test.

But not all our days begin with joy and peace. Somedays, the spiritual battle begins when our feet hit the floor. He is there. His word becomes our beacon, as he is for the procession of the ark carriers. His spirit speaks to those places within us that are not in alignment with the day. 1 Timothy 4:10 tells us He is the God of all hope for all believers.

When our hearts are broken to the point of despair, we need Him. We need him in the places that are broken and devastated by an enemy that was able to sneak in at a moment of weakness, in our own unwillingness to deal with trauma and hurt. Rebellion can be a pitfall to our journey into healing from these wounds that our God wants to heal. He is our great physician.

We can become lost in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at that moment, but just for a moment. The God of the universe sees and hears everything, and is waiting for us to reach out, to sing to him, to speak out of His unending mercy and grace. He is the Father of hope. 1 Peter 1:13 tells us to “prepare our minds for action and exercise self-control.” We must turn our minds to the father of all hope, our Lord and Savior.

His spirit is a song within our hearts and balm for our souls. Hebrews 4:16 tells us: “So, let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”
We shall overcome in a world fraught with unending evil and misdeeds. Our minds become a spiritual bedrock when we apply the Word of Truth! Our Father, the beacon of truth and light, is waiting for us to reach for the light switch, so we can see where He is leading us. Or, just to take a moment to sit at the feet of our Father, who knows best what we need.

Grace and mercy be with you!

Maureen Ross
Image by Gabriella Clare