• Individuals bring a wide spectrum of issues including things such as trauma, unresolved hurt, grief, disappointment, anger, negative life patterns, confusion, bitterness, doubt, broken relationships, generational curses, family of origin issues, unforgiveness, need for reconciliation, fear, guilt, shame, marital problems, sexual problems , addictions, strongholds, masonic and occult issues, and troubling dreams
• We focus on the spiritual issues of life, how they affect an individuals body, soul and spirit, and their relationships and life choices.
• If an issue needs a referral to a qualified health professional we will recommend one of our trusted colleagues.
• Yes. Journey U’s prayer ministers work in tandem as a team, which for many people gives a greater sense of safety as well as facilitate in dealing with male/female issues
• We do see minors occasionally, although only if a parent is present
• Children are very receptive and open to God
• Their “past memories” may be from yesterday or last week, not years ago
• They have to be old enough to understand about “memories”
• Depending on the age of the child, generally sessions must be kept relatively brief, simply because of a child’s short attention span
• A standard session is one and a half hours long
• We determined that one and a half hours is optimal for most people, allowing time for both discussion and adequate prayer ministry
• Most are surprised at how quickly the sessions go
• The number of sessions required is dependent on the issues an individual needs to work through
• Yes, it is not just for the “spiritually gifted”
• Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me” (John 10:27 NIV)
• Each person is unique in how they hear from God: some sense a “still, small voice” in their spirit, others see pictures in their mind when praying or through dreams, some have a feeling (discernment) telling them what to do or not to do,” others are given a certain scripture verse.
• If there are doubts whether one is hearing God, it can be tested by three points. Does what you are hearing line up with the Word of God, the character of Christ, and the Fruit of the Spirit.
• When God speaks to an individual, it is life-changing, tender yet profound
• Although life coaches and mentors are very helpful, learning to hear and obey God creates greater spiritual intimacy, maturity and confidence in dealing with life issues
• Yes, God can speak to every human being
• However, with non-Christians the basic approach needs to be modified
• In a compassionate way, we “talk” Prayer Ministry, since a non-Christian may not be comfortable praying
• While treating all with respect, we do explain to non-Christians that we are coming from a Christian perspective
• To bring spiritual freedom and transformative healing to life’s hurts through God’s grace
• To develop ownership and responsibility for one’s attitudes and actions
• To bring an individual into greater intimacy with Jesus
• To develop a living daily relationship with Jesus
• To release an individual’s God-given identity, spiritual gifts, and calling
• To increase a heart for worship and thanksgiving, in walking out one’s destiny
• There are many excellent sources of help using more traditional “talk therapy,” which have benefitted many
• However, there are some distinct differences when compared with prayer ministry, although these differences can vary widely
• Personal Prayer Ministry is similar to cognitive therapy in some aspects, as it also focuses on core beliefs and associated feelings, yet is unique by asking Jesus, in prayer, to identify ungodly or disempowering beliefs
• In His loving presence, deeply lodged feelings and painful beliefs are revealed and released by the power of the Holy Spirit
• The presenting issues and feelings are clarified and discussed
• The prayer facilitator explains how things generally proceed
• Any client questions are answered
• The prayer facilitator leads in an opening prayer to set the “spiritual parameters” so that the ministry recipient can hear God clearly
• To connect with Jesus, the prayer facilitator may ask God to lead the client to an event, an “Immanuel moment” where he/she sensed God’s presence in a special way
• The prayer facilitator may pray that Jesus would take the individual to the origin of the presenting issue and the corresponding feelings
• Jesus is asked to identify what “negative conclusions” have been believed and how these conclusions have affected the individual’s life (behaviours generally follow feelings, and feelings generally follow core beliefs)
• Negative conclusions are acknowledged and released to the cross of Christ
• Any oppression from the enemy is dealt with in a calm, authoritative manner
• Jesus is asked to reveal His truth to replace the old disempowering belief and set the person free
• The individual receives the freeing truth and could be asked to journal it, whether immediately or at home
• Jesus is asked where to go next, so that the session can be led by the Holy Spirit rather than imposing an agenda
• If there are blockages, exploring Protector, Function and Emotive aspects of a person may occur
• The session is closed in prayer and some additional homework may be given, such as “journaling” the truths, or additional resources to look at
• Yes, the truth is what sets one free, but it is the truth that I know personally in my heart; “Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”” (John 8:32 MESSAGE)
• Once God’s Spirit speaks to the person’s spirit, the change is lasting, though needs to be walked out and practiced
• Encouragement is given to journal the truth for the next few days, in order to establish it and renew the mind (Romans 12:2)
• Many people are not used to praying out loud and are unsure where to go in prayer
• The object is to present specifics, not generalities, to Jesus
• Specifics give a voice to what the heart feels so Jesus can bring healing
• Being led helps to stay focused on the issue and God’s intervening presenc
• Repeating can help connect to buried emotions
• Repeating helps the person to actually hear themselves saying what they may not have been able to acknowledge before
• Repeating enables the process to become more firmly established
• They are what a person has come to believe about him/herself, others and God
• They are formed due to circumstances in one’s life reflected through the presenting issues
• They are revealed through increased self-awareness that comes from discussion, prayer and by Jesus
• They are the individual’s reactions to life circumstances – kept intact due to vows, judgments and negative expectations
• They are life patterns and behaviors which come about because of negative conclusions
• They are the “house,” the “strongholds,” and are revealed by the Holy Spirit
• Personal Prayer Ministry is not just “talk therapy” – we are entering into the spirit realm
• Although Christ’s redemption is already accomplished, it needs to be appropriated and established
• According to the Christian scriptures, releasing the light of the kingdom of God can cause opposition from the kingdom of darkness
• We recognize that darkness often pervades an issue, so we bind it right up front so that the darkness is disempowered
• This enables an individual’s ability to focus, freeing up the will and the ability to choose
• It is a complex coping mechanism developed in childhood, in response to severe emotional stress, trauma or abuse
• it is a disconnection between a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of who he/she is
• There are degrees of dissociation ranging from normal daydreaming to pockets of pain, to separate identities or alter states within a person (called Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as M.P.D. or Multiple Personality Disorder)
• D.I.D. is considered a coping mechanism, not a mental illness and may be concurrent with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Dissociative responses can continue into adult life, affecting an individual’s way of relating to life stressors and relationships
• Some common characteristics of D.I.D. may include such things as: depression, mood swings, suicidal tendencies, amnesia, anxiety, flashbacks and memory loss
• Although only qualified health care providers, such as psychiatrists, can diagnose dissociative disorders, focused prayer can be very helpful for those who have received such a diagnosis
• Validation and relationship are key to receiving Christ’s touch
• Through gentle facilitation with the prayer minister, connectedness with God can increase, gradually dissolving pockets of pain and walls of dissociation
• The ability to trust and attach increases as dissociative responses decrease
• Individuals who have suffered from trauma and dissociative issues generally feel safe in exploring issues in a prayerful, accepting atmosphere where the love and comfort of Jesus is evident
• For further information on dissociation, click here
• We come from a biblically conservative theological background
• We respect those from theological traditions different than our own
• We have ministered to individuals from many denominational backgrounds, whether Protestant, Catholic or non-denominational
• We honour the Christian scriptures as the Word of God
• We honour Jesus Christ as the eternal Saviour
• We believe that God deeply loves each individual and longs to bring healing and relationship with Him
• We believe in the efficacy of prayer as a means of God’s grace to bring liberating truth into the hearts of individuals, through the agency of the Holy Spirit