Journey U Blogs

Fishers of Men

by Angela Aberle

Jesus frequently went fishing with his disciples and used fishing to teach them about reaching people for the Kingdom of Heaven. Back in those days they did not have rod and reels, but instead they fished with a NET.  We may live in a different time period, but God does not change and He wants us to fish for men today as they did in their day, the only thing that has changed is the kind of NET we use.

You have a sphere of influence and the interNET to fish for men and women.
How can we apply this?

1. The “4 Truths Classes” are starting soon.  Please share this link on your FB page!

2. Please send a brief testimony to us about your healing experience with Journey U Ministries so that we may add it to our FB page and it can be shared to reach many.
E-mail to:

3. Please tell your friends and family about Journey U Ministries and how Jesus has healed you. Your testimony to others is powerful. So many need hope right now and you just may be their life line!

We would also like to say “thank you” for allowing us here at Journey U Ministries to minister to you and we pray that your relationship with Jesus Christ is continuing to grow stronger every day! 

Contact Info: Call us at: (281) 444-0011  Email: